THE DONKEY [ˈdɔŋki]

Der EselWhich animal faithfully, diligently and good-naturedly does all the tasks assigned to it?

That's right, the donkey.

Intelligent and resilient, it does its work safely and conscientiously.

He is the optimal load carrier.

Whether in the desert, in the rubble or in the factory - you can always rely on the donkey.

He's not stubborn, only when he senses danger. But isn't that particularly clever of him again? He recognises dangerous situations intuitively, reacts prudently and waits out the situation.

The virtues of the donkey - in the form of the DonkeyMotion modular system - enable flexible and reliable transport solutions.
Ever parked a donkey? Pull it a little here, push it a little there and it's perfectly positioned. The ultimate manoeuvrability allows degrees of freedom that otherwise only a quadruped can achieve: turning on the spot, lateral or diagonal movements. In this way, heavy and bulky loads can be manoeuvred in the smallest of spaces.

With our donkey, we bridge the gap between individual requirements and simplicity with our modular transport system.

The donkey, with its helpful, friendly nature, is the lead animal of our company - we won't leave you alone until your donkey is running too.
We are also curious, which is why we think ahead and not only keep pace with progress, but also shape real future technology.


Stöckmatten 13, 79224 Umkirch, Germany
Phone: +49 (0)7665 - 5 02 55-0